Friday, September 05, 2008

love = protect & nurture

Love - a choice and commitment to protect and to nurture another; the act of protecting and of nurturing another person

Love should not be considered to include a self serving quality or character. Love should be considered selfless. Our Father in Heaven is said to be “love,” not merely to have love; seeking to protect and to lift up His children, even all of His creation. He will not, however, diminish our free will

The common contemporary connotation, if not contemporary definition, of the term “love” appears to be merely “lust.” Although, the term “lust” is not polite, is perhaps even vulgar, and is certainly not romantic. Thus, contemporary language usage embraces a false statement of “love” instead of “lust” for the sake of mere appearance. The term “lust” does have a quality of honesty to recommend its use, however, at least insomuch as self interest is clear

Should not every person speak openly? See Matthew 05:37 and James 05:12